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Fourier Series, by Joshua Corey

by Joshua Corey


A beautiful book with a spine and French Revolution folds. Fourier Series won the Fitzpatrick-O'Dinn Award for Best Book Length Work of Constrained English Literature. ISBN 0-9724244-4-X. 7.5 by 9 inches. 102 pages. Perfect bound, with slipcover. Distributed by Spineless Books. 07-05-2005 $16.

Fourier Series, a book of poetry by Joshua Corey published on Charles Fourier's 233rd birthday (April 7th, 2005), is the winner of the Fitzpatrick-O'Dinn Award for Best Book Length Work of Constrained English Literature (2004), as judged by Christian Bök, author of Eunoia. The book comes wrapped in French Revolution Folds: an oversized engraving of the Crown Imperial (Fritillaria imperialis) by the apothecary Basilius Bester (1561-1629). To Charles Fourier, this lavish desert flower represents the scientist or artist whose work is not recognized by society, and who has only her own enthusiasm to sustain herself.


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